
Alravvad Academy Honors Media Partners for Their Contributions

On Wednesday, December 21, 2022, Alravvad Academy held a special event at its headquarters in Hatay, Antakya, to honor a group of journalists, media professionals, and our esteemed partners from various media organizations. This event was organized in recognition of their outstanding contributions to enhancing the Academy’s communication with the community and supporting its mission to promote education and Turkish culture.

The event acknowledged the vital role that journalists and media professionals play in raising public awareness, particularly those who have excelled in using their platforms to convey the Academy’s message to the public. Their efforts have been instrumental in advancing the Academy’s mission and strengthening its impact on the educational landscape.

During the ceremony, 11 top journalists, including both male and female representatives from local newspapers, radio, television, news agencies, and other publications in Turkey, were honored for their exceptional performance and dedication.

The Academy would also like to extend its heartfelt thanks to everyone who has placed their trust in us, especially the parents who have entrusted us with their children. We are committed to meeting their expectations and continuing to guide our students toward excellence and future success.

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